Educational Psychology – Гид абитуриента
Psychological and Pedagogical Education

Educational Psychology

Do you notice the need to help people?

Do you like to give advice, recommendations?

Do you observe people and try to understand their behavior, condition and actions?

Do yo organize the activities of children, trying to interest and inspire them?

Do you think that your mission is to help children overcome learning difficulties?

Then your training direction is “Psychological and Pedagogical Education”.

Major Academic Disciplines

Academic disciplines in modules:

  • humanitarian, social and economic bases of psychological-pedagogical activity (history, philosophy, education and juvenile law, etc.)
  • scientific and mathematical foundations of psycho-pedagogical work (anatomy and age physiology, information and communication technologies in professional activities, etc.)
  • communication in professional interaction (development of communication competences of students, etc.)
  • culture, health and principles of health and safety
  • theoretical foundations of professional activity (general and experimental psychology, pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, fundamentals of neurophysiology and neuropsychology)
  • psychological and pedagogical support of the main educational programs (introduction to psychological and pedagogical activity, psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities, etc.)
  • psychodiagnostics and correctional and developmental work of a teacher-psychologist.
  • psychoprophylaxis in the activities of a psychologist (psycho-pedagogical bases of design of educational environment, theory and methodology of educational activities, etc.)
  • psychological counseling in job psychologist

Professions for Graduates

Teacher in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education, vocational training, vocational education, additional education

Graduates scope of employment

  • kindergartens
  • primary schools
  • secondary schools
  • additional education centers, etc.