Foreign Philology
Philology is the science of understanding a person by a person, of penetrating into the depths of one’s own and foreign-language culture. It allows you to master the language as a means of communication and an instrument of interaction in society, which is in demand in the era of globalization.
Major Academic Disciplines
- Latin language
- English language
- German language
- French, Italian, Spanish and other languages
- history of world (foreign) literature
- history of the main language
- introduction to linguistics
- introduction to literary studies
- fundamentals of philology
- general linguistics
- theory of language and literature
- stylistics
- methods of teaching the main language
- pedagogy
- psychology
- history
Professions for Graduates
- teacher of a foreign language in educational institutions of various types and levels
- teacher of foreign literature in educational institutions of various types and levels
- translator (of various profiles)
- employee of press services
- employee of mass media, advertising and travel agencies, etc.
- copywriter
Graduates scope of employment
- secondary and higher educational institutions
- administrations of various levels
- mass media
- translation bureaus
- advertising and travel agencies
- book publishers
- business structures
- law enforcement agencies

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