Cultural and Historical Design
The new program, along with classical historical education, provides an opportunity to gain skills in creating new projects in the field of tourism, creating museum and exhibition expositions, organizing and conducting various cultural events. Students will take an active part in such important events of the cultural life of the region as the film festival “Zerkalo”, the festival of contemporary art “First Factory of the Avant-garde”. Training in this specialty will allow you to get acquainted with the lectures of invited specialists and practitioners from different cities of Russia and from abroad. Students will have the opportunity to actively try their hand at developing creative projects and preparing startups in the creative workshop “KB Factory of Ideas”.
Major Academic Disciplines
- history of primitive society
- history of Russia (before XX century)
- history of Russia (XX century)
- the history of the Ancient world
- history of the Middle ages
- modern and contemporary history
- archaeology
- ethnology and social anthropology
- theory and methodology of history
- history of historical science
- source studies
- history of world culture
- history of world art
- theory and philosophy of culture
- theory and history of mass culture
- digital culture and media production
- design technologies in museum activities
- cultural resources, branding and regional development strategy
- cultural policy and management in the field of culture
- creative industry in the modern world
- design in the field of cultural and leisure activities and tourism
- culture of everyday life
Professions for Graduates
- museum employee (specialist)
- employee of an advertising agency
- employee of a state institution on relevant issues
- specialist in the protection of historical and cultural monuments
- specialist in a travel company
- specialist in a company for holding cultural and exhibition events
- creative manager
Graduates scope of employment
Graduates of the new specialty will be able to prove themselves in organizational and project work within the framework of existing cultural institutions: work in museums, in the media and advertising agencies, in state institutions related to the protection of historical and cultural monuments, in companies related to tourism and major cultural events.

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